Index Name value_ja 1 pp_normal_1 %TTを見つけたようだな。ジャバは、奴への恨みを清算したがっている。「処分」すれば、%DIクレジットの報酬が出るぞ。 2 pp_small_1 %TTは、大したターゲットではない。だが殺害すれば、ジャバは%DIクレジットの賞金を出すだろう。 3 pp_small_2 %TTは、賞金%DIクレジットの小物だ。ジャバをもっと悩ませていれば、賞金も上がっていただろうがな。 4 pp_small_3 ジャバを煩わせた卑しき%TTを始末したお前に、%DIクレジットの賞金が支払われる。 5 pp_small_4 俺には全く理解できないが、ジャバは%TTを始末したお前に%DIクレジットを支払うそうだ。もちろん、今の意見を誰かに話して、ジャバの不興を買うようなことはしないがな! 6 pp_small_5 ジャバに楯突く卑しき%TTを排除すれば、わずかだが%DIクレジットが与えられる。 7 pp_big_1 %TTを見つけたようだな! 奴らを始末すれば、賞金をくれてやろう。%DIクレジット出してやるぞ。 8 pp_big_2 なんだと? 奴は、そんなところに逃げ込んでいたのか。罪深き%TTを叩き潰せ。成功すれば、%DIクレジットくれてやるぞ。 9 pp_big_3 %TTだ。奴は許し難いほどの回数、すなわち一度この俺を失望させた。奴を処刑するのだ。賞金は%DIクレジットだ。 10 pp_big_4 素晴らしい。%TTの居場所を発見したようだな。俺のために奴を「処分」すれば、%DIクレジットの報酬を与えるぞ。 11 pp_big_5 %TTを殺したら、%DIクレジットくれてやろう。すぐに死なせないように注意しろよ。ハッハッハ! 12 pp_normal_2 ジャバは、卑劣な%TTを排除すれば%DIクレジットの賞金を出すと言っている。 13 pp_normal_3 クズ野朗の%TTを殺せ。そうすればジャバは%DIクレジットの報酬を出す。 14 pp_normal_4 %TTを見つけたようだな。奴はジャバの宮殿を侮辱した! %DIクレジットの報酬を出してやる。奴を二度とそんな口が叩けないようにしろ。 15 pp_normal_5 お前は運がいい。%TTを始末すれば、偉大なるジャバ様は寛大にも%DIクレジットをお前に与えるだろう。 16 reward %DIクレジットを%TOを処分した賞金として受け取りました。 17 no_reward_possible ジャバは、賞金を転送できませんでした。取り巻きの誰かが着服したのでしょうか? 18 no_bounties_while ジャバは気分がすぐれず、あと%DI分のあいだ雑事に関わることができません。後で、もう一度やり直してください。 19 no_bounties_soon 現在、ジャバは「接客」中です。しばらく経ってから、もう一度やり直してください。 20 no_bounty_target そのターゲットに賞金は掛かっていません。 21 bounty_already_issued そのターゲットの賞金は、既に別の者に支払われています。 22 no_bounty_target_already ターゲットは既にチェック済みです、賞金は残っていません。 23 setbounty_title Set Bounty 24 setbounty_prompt1 Do you want to take out a bounty against 25 setbounty_prompt2

If so, enter how many credits you would like to place on his or her head, and press 'OK'. Otherwise, press 'CANCEL'.

Minimum Bounty: 20,000 credits
Maximum Bounty: 1,000,000 credits

Your Funds: 26 setbounty_invalid_number That is not a valid number. 27 setbounty_too_much You do not have that much money. 28 pp_player I have good news. %TT does indeed have a bounty on %PT head of %DI credits. You are now cleared to attack this target. 29 pp_notify %TT is attempting to collect the bounty on your head! You are now cleared to engage %OT in combat. 30 already_have_target You cannot do that because you are already attempting to collect the bounty on a target. 31 already_being_hunted You cannot do that because someone is already attempting to collect a bounty on that target. 32 player_bounty_reward_fail A glitch has occurred in the intergalactic bounty network payment system. No credit has been assigned for this bounty kill. 33 bounty_success_hunter You have defeated %TT and collected the bounty on %PT head worth %DI credits. 34 bounty_success_target %TT has defeated you and collected the bounty on your head worth %DI credits. 35 bounty_failed_hunter You have failed to collect the bounty on %TT. 36 bounty_failed_target You have defeated %TT, spoiling %PT attempt to collect the bounty on your head. 37 mail_notify_subject Bounty Claim Notification 38 mail_notify_body Dear Sir or Madam,

The Galactic Bounty Network wishes to inform you that the bounty that you placed on the head of %TU has been claimed by the bounty hunter, %TT.

Thank you for your patronage, and have a nice day. 39 time_expired_hunter The time limit on your attempt to collect this bounty has expired. 40 time_expired_target The time limit on this attempt to collect the bounty on your head has expired. 41 time_expired The time limit on this bounty collection attempt has expired. 42 max_bounty This person is already worth the maximum bounty possible. 43 target_collecting_bounty You cannot establish a connection to the Galactic Bounty Network right now, and are not able to Bounty Check this target. Please try again later. 44 setbounty_too_little You must set a bounty of at least 20000 credits. 45 bounty_incomplete BOUNTY MISSION INCOMPLETE: Your bounty mission has been cancelled because it is no longer valid. 46 setbounty_cap The bounty you are setting has been reduced to the maximum amount possible of 1000000 credits. 47 no_bounty_player You cannot use this ability on another player. 48 sm_calling_contact_too_often Wait a minute before calling your contact again. 49 sm_no_bounty_target_player %TT checks for a bounty on you and finds no bounty is being offered. 50 sm_no_bounty_target Your contact notifies you that your target does not have a bounty. 51 sm_no_bounty_self Your contact notifies you that you do not have a bounty. 52 sm_bounty_amount_target_no_bounties While you have a bounty of %DI credits, nobody is hunting you. 53 sm_bounty_amount_target You have a bounty of %DI credits on your head. 54 sm_bounty_notified_target You turn over the bounty information to %TT. 55 sm_calling_contact_too_often_target Your target has been checked within the last ten minutes. 56 sm_bounty_amount_target_with_bounties You have a bounty of %DI credits on your head and someone is after you! 57 sm_bounty_hunter_distance One of the bounty hunters after you was last seen around %DI meters away from your position. 58 dont_have_skill_needed You don't have the skills required for this mission! 59 null_mission Error, SpyNet contact failed. SpyNet couldn't determine if you had the mission or not. 60 no_bounty_too_low The target is not experienced enough to be a dangerous fugitive. 61 fugitive The target is a dangerous fugitive in disguise! 62 bounty_check_payment Transmission from the\#CC0000\#CC0000 Bounty Hunters Guild:\#FFFFFF Completion of bounty confirmed, payment has been wired to your account.